What is the best type of exercise for weight loss?

 Yes, you can loss weight running

How I lost 65 pounds by outrunning my bad diet — and finding a better life by running

When I began my running journey, I weighed well over 200 pounds and losing weight was a significant part of my motivation to start running. Yet, everywhere I turned I was told that running would not help me losing weight

To add insult to injury, many people said that taking up running while more than 80 pounds overweight would just lead to injury. Instead, I was advised to focus on my diet.

I am thoroughly convinced that if I had listened to the advice, I would have made myself miserable trying to lose weight. I would have stayed trapped in my body and focused on all the things I couldn’t have rather than exploring the amazing things my body could do. I would never have become a runner, and I would probably still weigh over 200 pounds.

Luckily, I am a stubborn person who likes to do things my own way. But I am angry for all the people who laced up new running shoes, full of determination, only to be told they would fail. On Reddit forums, over and over, I saw experienced runners tell newcomers that “you can’t outrun a bad diet.”

These warnings always had a ring of self-righteousness — as if these overweight newcomers hadn’t earned the right to enter the club. These runners — most of whom joked about eating whole pizzas and downing a six-pack of beer after long runs — would lecture about how one run could be erased by pounding a box of cookies.

The assumption that the overweight runner would scarf down a box of cookies while feeling virtuous for having struggled through a 20-minute run betrays a view of overweight people as ignorant, greedy, and incapable of self-control. These are the kind of views that teach people who struggle with their weight to hate their bodies — and often themselves.

But trying to change by focusing on what you hate about yourself is far less effective than finding things to love about yourself. And that’s why I think it’s so important to encourage and give hope to people who turn to running as a means of weight loss. Instead of discouraging them, we should be giving them real information they can use to maximize their chances of success while tapping into natural motivational patterns.

I hope that by sharing what I have learned through my own journey and success, I can help to do that.

Beside of running following exercise are great for weight loss


Cycling is a popular exercise that improves your fitness and can help you lose weight.

Although cycling is traditionally done outdoors, many gyms and fitness centers have stationary bikes that allow you to cycle while staying indoors.

Harvard Health estimates that a 155-pound (70-kg) person burns around 260 calories per 30 minutes of cycling on a stationary bike at a moderate pace, or 298 calories per 30 minutes on a bicycle at a moderate pace of 12–13.9 mph (19–22.4 km/h)

Not only is cycling great for weight loss, but studies have found that people who cycle regularly have better overall fitness, increased insulin sensitive, and a lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and death, compared with those who don’t cycle regularly.

Cycling is great for people of all fitness levels, from beginners to athletes. Plus, it’s a non-weight-bearing and low-impact exercise, so it won’t place much stress on your joints.

Strength Traning

Strength training, with your own bodyweight or lefting weight, is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Why? First, lifting weights can help you to lose fat while still building muscle, which is awesome for your metabolism. Muscle mass burns more calories than fat, which means you burn more calories every day when you have more muscle, even while you're sleeping.

Muscle mass does not make up for the nutrition side of weight loss, but it can help. Keep in mind, it's your choice whether you use lighter or heavier weight but both weight categories require a different approach to build muscle effectively.

Strength training often involves using dumbbells or weight machines, but you really don't need extra equipment to build strength. Using your body weight is also very efficient and saves your gym expense.

‘’Strength training is key in weight loss because the more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you burn.’’

Full body strength-training workout

Dumbell squat

The Dumbbell Squat is a foundational exercise for any people who wants to build strength and weight loss.

Dumbbell Squat How to do it

  • Assume athletic stance with dumbbells at sides and feet slightly wider than hip width
  • Keeping back straight and knees behind toes, sink hips back and lower into squat until thighs are parallel to ground
  • Extend hips and knees to drive up out of squat position
  • Repeat for specified reps

Getting Started
Beginners should focus on perfecting form and technique before adding resistance. Perform Bodyweight Squats or Wall Squats.


Burpee is going to able to burn 15 calories per minute on average everything's relative to the size of the person and the fitness level of the person doing it but on average 15 calorie per minute making one of the most effective exercise for weigh loss.

Burpees how to do it

  • Stand with your feet wide apart
  • Squat down and place your hands in between your feet. Make sure you use your legs to bend down, and not your back.
  • Supporting your body weight on your hands, jump a little off the ground to extend your legs outwards, fully, to go into a plan.
  • At this point, you may add a push up for some extra burn
  • Jump back to bring your feet closer to your hands
  • Stand back up, if you want you may do this with a jump
  • Repeat for 10 times, and do about 3 sets of this exercise in one routine.

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