Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds have a long history of nutritional use dating back to the highlands of Oaxaca in Mexico over 7,500 years ago. 

In many cultures, they have been used as a folk remedy to treat:

  •     Infections of the urinary tract and bladder.
  •     High blood pressure and blood sugar.
  •     Kidney stones
  •     Parasites like worms

Modern science confirms that pumpkin seeds have an impressive nutritional profile that benefits many aspects of your health. 

They are a rich source of protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that reduce risk factors for chronic diseases, including cancer.

You can buy raw, fortified, or roasted pumpkin seeds at most grocery stores and specialty health food retailers. When sold in their green shell, they are also sometimes called pepitas.

Health benefits

Pumpkin seeds are a powerful source of many nutrients, providing high levels of essential vitamins and minerals in a small serving. But they're also high in calories, so limit your portions to help control a healthy weight.

Add a handful to your meal for potential health benefits such as:

Anti-inflammatory effects

Pumpkin seeds are rich in many antioxidants, which protect our cells from damage causing disease and reduce inflammation in our body. They are also a great source of dietary fiber, which can enhance this effect. Studies show that the anti-inflammatory abilities of pumpkin seeds can help maintain healthy functioning of the liver, bladder, intestines, and joints.

Decreased risk of diabetes

Pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium, which most people do not get enough of in their diet. The magnesium content helps regulate blood sugar, which reduces the risk of diabetes. Studies show that pumpkin seeds also help people with diabetes maintain blood sugar control to control the disease.

Anti-cancer properties

Laboratory studies show that pumpkin seeds can stop the growth of breast and prostate cancer cells. They also induce apoptosis or the death of cancer cells. These effects are largely attributed to the strong antioxidant activity of pumpkin seeds, but much more research is needed to study a wider range of cancers.

Healthy heart function

The high magnesium content in pumpkin seeds helps reduce and regulate blood pressure. Thanks to this effect, diets high in magnesium are associated with a lower risk of stroke and death from heart disease.

Studies show that the antioxidants in pumpkin seeds also increase the levels of nitric oxide in your body. This molecule works to keep blood vessels supple, flexible and healthy, improving blood circulation and reducing the risk of heart and circulatory problems.

Better sleep

Eating pumpkin seeds before bed can help you sleep better. Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes sleep. Zinc, copper, and selenium in pumpkin seeds can also affect the length and quality of sleep. Finally, studies show that magnesium can help reduce stress and anxiety, factors that contribute to insomnia.


Pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals like manganese and vitamin K, which are important in helping to heal wounds. They also contain zinc, a mineral that helps the immune system fight bacteria and viruses.

Pumpkin seeds are also a great source of:

  •  Match
  •  Magnesium
  •  Iron
  •  Potassium
  •  The copper
  • Nutrients per serving

A quarter-cup serving of dried pumpkin seeds contains:

  • Calories: 180
  •  Protein: 10 grams
  •  Fat: 16 grams
  •  Carbohydrates: 3 grams
  •  Fiber: 2 grams
  • Sugar: 0 gram

Portion size

Because pumpkin seeds are high in calories, limit your portions to the recommended serving of about a quarter cup. However, the high fiber content of the seeds can help regulate blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full, reducing the urge to overeat.

How to use pumpkin seeds

You can find pumpkin seeds with or without a shell in grocery stores or pick them straight from a whole pumpkin. If you are buying a prepackaged product, look for added ingredients like salt that reduce the nutritional value of the seeds.

Pumpkin seeds make a great snack on their own and are easy to add to many dishes and recipes.

Here are some great ways to get a small but powerful boost to your health from pumpkin seeds in your diet:

  • Add them to smoothies
  • Mix them with granola, yogurt or cereal.
  • Use them to add a little extra crunch to a salad
  • Top all foods, such as soups, chicken dishes, or pasta.
  • Mix them with other ingredients in a sauce like hummus, pesto or guacamole.
  • Bake them in cookies and breads.
  • Grill them or grill them with spices or seasonings for a healthy snack.

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