How to Eat Flaxseeds 10 Ways Without Changing Your Diet

Flax seeds are a plant protein that also provides a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Recently, they have become very popular due to their versatility. They can be added to virtually any type of food to increase its nutritional benefits. Dietitians have suggested that consuming two tablespoons of flaxseed per day will improve digestive health, lower blood sugar and cholesterol, and help control weight by keeping you feeling full for longer.

There are many unconventional ways to add a daily dose of flax seeds to your diet without having to rebuild your eating habits or change your daily diet. Start with small, healthy additions to your diet and slowly watch your taste buds change. Here is how to eat flax seeds in 10 creative ways:

1. Defeat them

A tablespoon or two of ground flax seeds can easily be added to your morning smoothie with greens, berries, or your favorite smoothie ingredients. The seeds instantly mix with all the other fruits and become unrecognizable, leaving you with a heart-healthy start to the day.

2. Topped with oatmeal

Flax seeds are also a great addition to a great bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Whole and ground flax seeds mix well with unrefined, unprocessed oats. For those who eat gluten free, flax seeds can also replace oats. Flax oats are a great source of protein and fiber, and if you like topping your oatmeal with berries, that just adds colorful antioxidants to your breakfast menu.

3. Cooking

Ground flax seeds can be baked in the oven to make muffins, breads and cookies. When you add the flour mixture, add a few tablespoons of flax seeds and let them cook with all the other ingredients. Or if you'd rather stick with the recipe, use this easy Flaxseed Blueberry Muffin Recipe. Your guests will never know that the muffin you just ate contains essential omega-3s.

4. Oatmeal overnight

Like chia seeds, flax seeds have a flavor that only improves when soaked in milk for an extended period. Overnight oatmeal is a simple morning breakfast that doesn't require work or hassle. Before going to bed, mix 2 tablespoons of chia seeds and 2 tablespoons of flax seeds with 1 cup of your favorite milk or milk substitute (cashew milk is my personal preference) and let all soak. the night.

In the morning you can grab the oatmeal and go, or if you want to take it up a notch you can chop some fruit as a garnish, add a nut butter or add a sweetener of your choice (honey and cinnamon. are some good examples). However you prefer your evening oatmeal, you'll end up with a high protein and fiber start to the day.

5. Added to granola

Making homemade granola is an underrated skill. It's a cheaper, healthier alternative to store-bought granola. Buy oatmeal, raisins, nuts and seeds from the bulk food section of your grocery store and mix them up for a great topping to sprinkle on yogurt (or use this recipe). Including whole flax seeds in the granola adds fiber to the granola.

6. As an egg substitute

Another little known fact about flax seeds is their ability to replace eggs in baked goods. The basic flax roe recipe is 1 tbsp finely ground flax seed powder (if you have whole flax seeds, use a coffee grinder to grind the seeds into powder) per 3 tbsp of flaxseed water, which replaces an egg. Beat the flaxseed and water mixture until it is gelatinous, then it can easily be replaced with an egg in any baked product.

7. Made into breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are a staple commonly found in a variety of American recipes - breaded chicken, meatloaf, soups, and even on salads. All you need, again, is grind the whole flax seeds into a fine powder and use them in place of any recipe that calls for breadcrumbs. For a dish for six to eight people, use 5 to 7 tablespoons of ground flax seeds. They'll bind to the meat product just as easily as breadcrumbs and won't make you miss that crunchy flavor.

8. Roast and sprinkle on salads

Most people like salads with an added crunch factor - usually a crouton. But who said you can't add flaxseed? For an even crispier flavor, try toasting whole or ground seeds by placing them in a skillet over medium heat and letting them sit for five minutes, stirring frequently. If you don't like croutons in your salads, try incorporating a little flaxseed oil into your dressings as an alternative to creamy, high-fat dressings.

9. Use of ground flax meal

As an alternative to whole or ground flax seeds, flax seeds are also ground and sold as flour. Most health food or grocery stores should sell flax meal or flax meal with other flour substitutes; however, you can do it at home by simply crushing whole flax seeds into a fine powder. Flax meal can be used in a direct 1: 1 ratio with white and wheat flours, or they can be used together.

When used in baking recipes, flax seed flour tends to make foods more chewy and flat, but it's also not only a great gluten-free alternative to regular flour, it's also a great way to eat it. to eat flax seeds without trying them. Flax flour can be used in pancakes, muffins, cakes, or just about any baked product that requires flour.

10. On toast

Flax seeds are a great addition to your daily breakfast. You can start by spreading any nut butter of your choice on a slice of whole-grain or multigrain toast. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of flax seeds on toast for a delicious start to the day high in protein and fiber. And if you're feeling super creative, try slicing bananas on the toast to top it off, which makes the seeds practically nasty.

When you start to eat two tablespoons of flax seeds per day, it is easier to buy the seeds in bulk. Although flax seeds tend to last a long time, when left in the air they dry much faster. I suggest storing them in an airtight, resealable container. As soon as you purchase the bags of flax seeds, transfer them to a plastic container or glass jar with a lid for easy access, long shelf life, and cleaner storage.

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