Fresh Glowing Skin Home Remedies | Homemade Overnight Face Mask For Glowing Skin

Fresh Glowing Skin Home Remedies. Concerned about the condition of the skin on your face? 

Do you finally want to get rid of these little imperfections that put you in a bad mood, or your desire is simply to feel good about yourself?

I suggest you read this article to the end to discover simple tips to put into practice: homemade masks.

 Do you know that masks are important for healthy skin? Indeed, a treatment adapted to your skin allows you to nourish it, to hydrate it and you have the means to offer it to yourself for next to nothing.

Why Choose A Homemade Face Mask?

Yes, why should I go for an unsightly mask when there is a slew of cosmetics dedicated to the problem? 

This is a relevant question, but ask yourself if these products are really effective and how much it would cost you to have them. 

The bill for beauty treatments can be particularly steep, but if you can reduce it, don't miss out.

Homemade masks have very real advantages:

  • Natural, they do not contain harsh chemicals
  • Easy to prepare (one or more ingredients is sufficient)
  • Quick application
  • Cheaper

So many arguments that should make you adopt this treatment without delay. However, before you start, we will give you a briefing on the subject.

What You Need To Know About Homemade Face Masks

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that your skin type will depend on the treatment to be adopted. In general, the skin is either:

  • Dried
  • Mixed
  • Fat

Your needs, therefore, differ depending on the category to which you belong. Dry skin, for example, particularly appreciates moisturizing masks. 

The fatty ones aspire to an anti-sebum treatment while the combination ones are in a happy medium between moisturizing and aspirating active ingredients.

Also, keep in mind that the mask you concoct in your kitchen should be used immediately after preparation. Why? 

Simply because it does not contain any preservatives. The fresher it is, the more you will enjoy its beneficial effects.

Before applying your mask, you must first go through the makeup removal phase. You will thus have clean skin, which will also promote better absorption of the active ingredients. 

Since we are in a natural logic, you can opt for a makeup remover made with sodium bicarbonate and coconut oil. Now let's get to the heart of the matter!

The Gourmet: Homemade Mask Made From Dark Chocolate

Here is a tasty idea that should please you. But be careful not to give in to the temptation to bite into the chocolate. 

For this treatment, you will need in addition to your treat (2 squares are enough), olive oil (5 ml), and sour cream (15 ml).

Melt the chocolate that you will mix with the other elements. Stir enough to get a smooth texture. 

Then all you have to do is apply the mixture to your face. Wait a quarter of an hour and then rinse everything.

The Sparkling: Lemon And Honey

You love honey, and you surely know the many virtues that are attributed to it. Know that it is also a great ally for a radiant face, even more, if you associate it with lemon. 

Mix 15 ml of honey with 5 ml of lemon juice and lemon essential oil (2 drops).

Anti-Wrinkle: Egg, Lemon, And Argan Oil

A face without wrinkles? Try this combination which also has the merit of giving your complexion radiance. 

For this mixture, we are going to use only the egg white, which you will take care to whisk well until you get a frothy texture. Next step, squeeze a lemon slice to extract the juice and mix it with 10 ml of argan oil.

Once everything is mixed, put it on your face for at least 15 minutes before washing it off with water.

The Multivitamin: Mask Based On Banana, Honey, And Avocado

A multivitamin and hydrating mask that will not take you long to prepare. What you need :

  • A little avocado
  • A banana
  • 15 ml of honey

Peel the avocado and banana and put them in a blender. Then collect the mixture to which you add the honey. 

Stir to have a homogeneous paste that you spread over your face. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash it off with fresh water.

We saved the best for last. This mask is undoubtedly one of the most famous and its reputation has not been usurped for its effectiveness.

In addition, the recipe is simplistic: a cucumber cut in half and yogurt to mix. Apply to your face for a quarter of an hour and rinse.

Follow this video which will give you an even more practical overview of the different preparations. 

You can take inspiration from it to treat and vary your recipes. A word of advice, when putting on your masks, be careful not to put them in contact with your eyes, which are extremely sensitive to them.

Among the ideas mentioned above, you will inevitably find one adapted to your skin. 

The lemon egg white blend is suitable for oily skin, while the banana-avocado-honey combination is perfect for dry skin. If, on the other hand, your skin is a combination, we recommend the mask made with cucumber and yogurt.

So that you don't always have to deal with worries related to the aesthetics of your face, do not hesitate to repeat these homemade treatments. 

The frequency can be weekly or bi-weekly. Your shade will only be brighter and more radiant.

It's not just anti-aging products that will protect you from wrinkles, there are natural recipes to address them as well. We give you four examples of this.

1) Avocado

If the avocado has many benefits for the body, it also has anti-wrinkle properties. Its creamy flesh helps to keep the suppleness and youthfulness of the skin while preserving its elasticity. 

Loaded with nutrients, it hydrates as much as it nourishes by repairing damaged cells in the epidermis and regenerating new cells. 

This flesh, which is also rich in anti-oxidants, prevents aging of the skin. 

To use it properly, mash the avocado until it produces a paste that you can apply to your face. Leave on for about thirty minutes before rinsing.

2) Papaya

This fruit should be used as an anti-wrinkle mask as mask. Rich in vitamins A and antioxidants, it will work on the firmness of the skin. 

Thanks to papain, this fruit will help to eliminate the dead cells which are on the surface of the epidermis and will make it possible to find the elasticity and firmness of the skin. 

For an effective mask, choose very ripe papaya, cut a few pieces that you crush until you obtain a smooth paste. 

Apply this homemade mask to the face and leave it on for fifteen minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

3) Coconut Oil

It is one of the most effective ingredients in the fight against fine lines and wrinkles by fighting against sagging skin. 

Massage your face with coconut oil every night before going to bed to keep skin young and fresh. 

A routine that will reduce the appearance of wrinkles while firming the epidermis.

Coconut oil is also used as a mixture for an exfoliating effect. A type of skincare essential to get rid of impurities and dead cells that pollute the skin's surface, promoting the appearance of wrinkles. 

Exfoliation also prepares the skin for moisturizing care, a detail to remember.

To do this, mix half a cup of coconut oil, a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, and two tablespoons of sugar. 

Apply this mixture to your face and massage your skin using small circular motions, then wipe off with a damp towel before rinsing your face with cold water.

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