How To Make Valentine's Day Special?

How To Make Valentine's Day Special? Although there are still a few days to celebrate Valentine's Day 2021, it may be that this year, being still suffering from the coronavirus pandemic, forces many couples to change their plans regarding how they usually celebrate this day. 

However, we do not have to be discouraged because the truth is that there are many ideas we have so that this next Valentine's Day is the most special of all. 


Although any other year a good plan to celebrate Valentine's Day could be to have a date in a restaurant having dinner by candlelight, or to make a getaway to a romantic hotel, this year and due to the pandemic it may be the best solution, or the best plan is to stay home and prepare something special. 

So in case you know what to do exactly or you need a little inspiration, nothing like resorting to the series of ideas that we offer you below:


This is a perfect idea only for those who have a bathtub at home. 

If so, you can take the opportunity to enjoy a nice hot bath together, but creating a romantic atmosphere with scented candles and background music. 

Enjoy the moment in complete relaxation and add if you can, a few rose petals in the water, it will surely be a romantic surprise to receive your partner. 

If you like them, you can also add a few bath salts that have a special aroma and that will also help you relax much more.

Staying home with your better half is a perfect idea to strengthen, recreate or establish a magical intimacy; In addition to what we say, it turns out that it is the best plan in these times. 

To get the most out of your evening, avoid cooking too much, as you risk falling asleep on the couch after you've finished cooking. 

You can prepare a simple menu (like this one), accompanied by a bottle of wine, and a special dessert that you can buy instead of cooking. 

To make everything more beautiful and special, you can dine on the terrace, with some candles or indoors, with a little soft music in the background and little lighting to make everything much more romantic.


A simple plan that you have probably already practice on more than ent, but given that what we are going to celebrate is Valentine's Day, nothing like choosing a romantic movie that you both like or that you have not yet viewed. 

To this, you have to add a blanket and some good popcorn or order a pizza or that restaurant food that you like the most (and that you know that they can take you home, due to the issue of restrictions and the closure of many businesses, so it is better to do the consultation with time).


What better way to start Valentine's Day by relaxing, but do not choose any specialized center, but transform your bedroom into a massage center. 

To achieve this, you just have to turn off the light, light some scented candles, put on relaxing background music, prepare the bed or better if you have a suitable stretcher, on which to place a soft sheet and a few rose petals, heat a oil indicated to massage and give your partner a   relaxing massage. 

It will surely be a very intimate and romantic moment that you will always remember.


Surprise your partner by doing something you normally never do. 

If we were not in a pandemic, this could imply going to a concert or renting a balloon ride, for example, but if we have to stay at home we can for example: cook as a couple, paint a picture, organize an activity that we have to follow online (such as a yoga class) or even create a photo album of our dates from previous years,


The last of the plans that we propose to celebrate Valentine's Day is to prepare some romantic games to liven up the night. 

You just have to take some cards and write on them all kinds of kisses that you can think of, then fold them and put them in a box and ask your partner to take one of the cards from inside the box. 

He will have to kiss you exactly as it is written on the card that he has drawn.


This is a perfect idea only for those who have a bathtub at home. 

If so, you can take the opportunity to enjoy a nice hot bath together, but creating a romantic atmosphere with scented candles and background music. 

Enjoy the moment in complete relaxation and add if you can, a few rose petals in the water, it will surely be a romantic surprise to receive your partner. 

If you like them, you can also add a few bath salts that have a special aroma and that will also help you relax much more.

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