Get Glowing Skin

Get Glowing Skin. Do you find that your complexion lacks luminosity, your skin is less plump and your face looks tired? It's time to discover the truly effective treatments to regain radiance.

To regain a healthy glow, this requires a proper awakening of the skin. For that, it is necessary to revive the blood microcirculation, numb during the winter, and to restore the protective barrier of the epidermis. 

Because the cold, the wind, and the heating have affected cellular exchanges, become less efficient, and have dehydrated the skin tissues in depth. 

The skin is, therefore, less comfortable, the face is no longer so plump and the complexion lacks luminosity. Not for long: with the return of good weather, pick up good habits thanks to our program designed to awaken the skin beautifully.

5 Beauty Tips To Regain Glowing Skin

1. A fresher complexion with a healthy glow cream

No time to wait for the sun to gently brown your face? Bet on a treatment bursting with light-reflecting mineral pigments, which will unify the complexion, blur fine lines, and correct chromatic imperfections (redness, dull complexion, spots, etc.).

 Also well seen, the formulas infused with colored pigments, able to enhance the natural complexion of a tone, on the lightest as well as the darkest skin types. The key: a bare skin effect without any coverage and immediate results!

2. A refreshed look with an eye contour treatment

Crow's feet, expression lines, eyelids that tend to sag ... To firm the eye area, which is particularly poor in support fibers, it is necessary to boost collagen production.

 We, therefore, rely on peptides, stimulants, re-humectant hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants, which protect the skin against free radicals and cellular “rust”. If, as a bonus, your treatment includes blurring agents capable of reducing fine lines, adopt it now!

3. Deep cleansing with a purifying serum

Saturated by the accumulation of toxins linked to the use of rich skincare products and the application of more covering makeup, but also overworked by the efforts made to counter the cold and dry air, the skin is coming out of winter asphyxiated.

Sluggish, it loses in brightness and flexibility. The right reflex? Focus on a treatment capable of regenerating it in-depth and detoxifying it, by helping the cells to eliminate the accumulated waste in order to allow it to recover better.

4. Tonic skin with vitamin care

Renowned for their richness in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants, superfruits provide a real boost to the skin. 

Goji berry thus concentrates 400 times more vitamin C than an orange, while acai, very rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and E, helps to make the complexion more radiant. 

The kiwi is distinguished, for its part, by a very high concentration of vitamins C, B, and A, which revitalizes tired skin and protects it from aging.

5. A radiant complexion, with a peeling lotion

Softer and more progressive than a scrub, the exfoliating lotion gently revives radiance, with effects that are both fuller and deeper. 

It is applied every evening to the clean face, using a cotton disc, then its fruit acids are allowed to gently eliminate dead cells, revive the microcirculation, fade fine lines and brown spots, and even reduce the imperfections. 

Ultimately, we find smoother skin and a more even, fresh and luminous complexion.

Despite the stress, pollution, and fatigue, would you like to have glowing, healthy skin as soon as you wake up? 

Know that it is enough to adopt a few simple daily actions to regain a healthy glow without spending a fortune on jars of cream. Instructions for use to chase away the grayness.

Boost the skin's microcirculation

Facial gymnastics practiced twice a day is a beneficial facial treatment for the skin. In the morning when you wake up, it helps stimulate and decongest the epidermis.

Result: the skin regains color and features appear refreshed. This massage can also be practiced in the evening to bring relaxation and relaxation.

How to proceed? Use small, circular movements with your fingertips from the inside to the outside of the face.

Avoid too hot tap water

Tap water is contraindicated for cleaning sensitive facial skin. Prefer a mist of thermal water or micellar water.

Likewise, water that is too hot tends to dry out the skin. When taking a shower, set the temperature so that the water is lukewarm and do not stay for more than 10 minutes.

When you apply your facial cream, it is advisable to stretch the skin from the bottom upwards, starting from the neck and working your way up the cheekbones. And not the reverse!

Opt for a silk pillowcase

Did you know? Silk is a very soft fabric that glides over the skin and thus limits “sleep folds” on the face. Mature skin, which tends to mark more, is particularly prone to this problem.

So avoid cotton pillowcases that irritate and crease the skin of the face when you wake up.

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