How To Remove Blackheads At Home Instantly?

How To Remove Blackheads At Home Instantly? Blackheads on the nose? It's common, even among men. Isn't it, gentlemen? 

Whether you are a man or a woman, have blackheads on your nose or anywhere else on your face, this is for you. 

Fortunately, there are effective grandma's recipes for removing blackheads. 

13 Effective Tips To Remove Blackheads

 Here are 13 effective tips for removing blackheads.

1. Homemade Patches 

If you have some milk and gelatin leaves on hand, you can prepare your home-made patches against blackheads. A 15-minute application and you're done!

2. Lemon Juice

Another solution: lemon! Lemon juice applied directly to the face at night before bed helps to eliminate blackheads. Nothing could be simpler, in short.

3. A Toothbrush

Here is a precious tool to get rid of blackheads on the nose: a toothbrush. With the help of a little lemon, she works wonders for the extraction of blackheads.

4. Rhassoul 

Rhassoul is clay that comes to us from Morocco. Mixed with water, it forms a paste that fights against blackheads.

5. Sage 

Sage leaves help dilate the pores to extract blackheads. They should be infused in hot water.

6. The Tomato 

I know, this may come as a surprise. And yet ... the tomato is a champion for cleaning the skin of your face and, therefore, eliminating blackheads.

7. Thyme 

This plant is naturally antiseptic. There is a thyme lotion recipe that daily cleanses the skin and helps get rid of blackheads.

8. Egg White 

Egg white tightens pores. Associated with lemon, it forms a very effective cleansing and purifying mask against blackheads.

9. A Steam Bath 

This is the simplest and most natural gesture: use the steam to loosen the pores and then gently extract the blackheads with your fingers.

10. Baking soda 

The ingredient is so inexpensive and so effective that it is difficult to do without. This trick is radical against blackheads, first effects guaranteed in 1 week.

11. Salt 

There is a super effective and very simple blackhead peeling recipe: Put 2 pinches of salt in your hand, add 2 or 3 drops of olive oil, massage the affected areas, rinse with l 'Coldwater. You can do this treatment once a week.

12. Clay 

There is also a clay mask that is very effective in eliminating sebum from the skin and therefore the causes of the appearance of blackheads.

In a bowl, put 1 teaspoon of green clay, add 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt, pour a few drops of lemon over it until you get a smooth paste. Add 2 drops of citrus lemon essential oil. Apply to affected areas. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes then rinse with cold water.

13. The Potato 

Cut a potato into slices and gently rub the affected areas with the potato slices. You can do this several times a day when blackheads first appear and stop when they go away. Because this treatment does nothing in prevention.

4 Important Tips To Remove Blackheads Easily

Fortunately, there are 4 great tips and other remedies available to help you overcome blackheads and have glowing skin. 

Exfoliation: The good weekly reflex

The ideal way to get rid of these nasty blackheads on a lasting basis is obviously to take care of your face on a daily basis. 

For this, it is recommended to make a gentle exfoliation once or twice a week, in order to eliminate all impurities. 

Be careful to exfoliate the skin with a product suitable for your face, and especially not to rub too hard. The scrub should be gentle. To combat blackheads, it is recommended to insist on the nose.

Masks With Clay Or Egg Whites

Besides scrubs, you can also give your skin a mask once or twice a week. Once again, you must choose this mask according to the nature of your skin, so as not to aggravate the situation. 

Against blackheads, clay-based masks are particularly recommended, but also egg white masks. To make one, it is very simple since it is enough to recover the white of a raw egg then to spread it in successive layers on his face while letting it dry. 

The mask is then removed using a clean, slightly damp, and warm cloth (a washcloth for example).

The Skin Sauna

Another solution that works quite well is a skin sauna that can be done very simply at home. To do this, all you have to do is boil water in a saucepan and come and place your face over it while placing a towel over your face. 

The steam will allow the pores to expand. After about ten minutes, the blackheads are gently removed with a tissue.

A Healthy Diet Rich In Zinc

Nothing like having a balanced diet, not too fatty and especially rich in fruits and vegetables. The foods to favor against blackheads are those that are rich in zinc because it helps fight against sebum. 

We, therefore, prefer egg yolks, shellfish (especially oysters), certain cheeses (Parmesan, Emmental ...), or even zucchini, green beans, and peaches!

And if none of these solutions are satisfactory enough, you can also test the various patches that are on sale in the market and which give a good boost to eliminate blackheads.

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