Contour Makeup Tutorial

Contour Makeup Tutorial. Make-up can do wonders! With the right powder, the right headlight, and a few brush strokes, you can transform your face - and your entire appearance - to look your best. 

Applying makeup is part of a woman's daily life, because it definitely improves her look, makes her feel better, and gives her confidence. There are several makeup techniques, which are evolving as quickly as fashion itself.

Today, it is contouring that is the latest evolution of this typically feminine pleasure, and to let you know more, we have dedicated an exclusive file to it.

What Does Contouring Consist Of?

Contouring is a very recent makeup technique that is little known to the general public. It was developed in the United States and has since been the subject of a cult following among many beauty stars.

It consists of redrawing or sculpting the contours of the face by applying cosmetic products and without resorting to cosmetic surgery.

The principle of this technique is to refine certain areas of the face or to enhance them with a play of light and shadow. 

So, a woman who has a too-wide nose or too pronounced facial features can easily redraw her lines to give herself a better look. Unlike cosmetic surgery, contouring involves no risk and it costs you absolutely nothing.

You just need to learn the basics, know the right accessories to achieve it, and finally concentrate a few hours to obtain a prodigious result. I take this opportunity to direct you to the blog which will be updated on a regular basis.

How To Apply Contouring Makeup?

The application of contouring makeup requires a fine and even complexion. This is the first thing to do before you even start to apply this technique. To do this, the skin should be cleansed and well hydrated with a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type.

After this step, the face should be erased to give it a uniform appearance. After observing these makeup basics, the next step is to refine the skin with a bronzer to apply under the jaw, on the temples, and under the cheekbones. Next, increase the volume of the makeup with a highlighter to bring light to the shadow areas of the face.

The last step is to harmonize the makeup according to the color of your skin. With good contouring, you will transform yourself completely and charm everyone around you.

Easy Contouring In 5 Steps

- Easy contouring in 5 steps? Contouring is THE make-up technique for displaying a perfect, refined, and rejuvenated face. A miracle trick democratized by Kim Kardashian, which we suggest you try thanks to our tutorial made with makeup products with organic ingredients from lavera. It's up to you, transformation guaranteed!

Step 1: The Complexion

We start by applying makeup "normally", in full.

> On cleansed and hydrated skin evens out the complexion with a foundation

> We apply a concealer

> Set and mattify with a loose powder, focusing on the middle area of ​​the face as well as the eyelids

> Apply a blush. We smile and place it on the volume of the cheekbones in circular movements, towards the ears.

Step 2: The Contouring

> Apply the dark color on the forehead, under the cheekbones, on the jawbone, and the wings of the nose

> With the light color, we work on the volumes of the face. It is applied on the forehead, the tip of the nose, the chin, and the top of the cheekbones

> Remove the excess with a clean brush and degrade by melting the colors together

> A complexion illuminator is applied to attract light. Work it with your finger on the arch and go down slightly on the cheekbone to form a small arc.

The Extra Thing:

For even more harmonious make-up, you can use the contouring technique on the neckline. We apply the dark above the collarbone, in the hollow, and we go down to the birth of the breast. We put an illuminator on the collarbone and you're done.

Step 3: The Eyes

> We make a smoky eye. We start by applying the light color of the palette over the entire eyelid, then a darker one in the crease of the eyelid, and finally the darker one on the mobile eyelid

> We draw a line of a dark pencil at the level of the eyelashes that we blur with a brush

> We draw a line of kohl pencil inside the eye

> Apply the mascara.

The Extra Thing:

To bring a metallic effect to eyeshadows, moisten your brush with thermal water.

Step 4: Touch-ups

We intensify the contouring by ironing lightly on the dark color, then light, finishing with a touch of blush.

Step 5: The Mouth

> We trace the outline of the lips using a pencil, in dotted lines

> Apply the lipstick starting with the heart of the lip, with your mouth closed

> End with a touch of gloss in the center of the lip.

Daily Contouring

For a quick contouring version every morning, just a touch of dark color in the hollow of the cheekbone and on the jawbone.

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