How To Make Eyelashes Thicker And Longer Naturally?

How To Make Eyelashes Thicker And Longer Naturally? Who doesn't dream of intensely long, curled lash bangs? Whether you've inherited XXL lashes or not, these seven tips will help you build them up naturally. To you, the doe look!

Many women think that having long, curved lashes is all about the mascara they wear. Certainly, makeup helps to sublimate the look. 

But first and foremost, to have beautiful eyelashes. Besides giving a beautiful look, the eyelashes serve as a bulwark for the eyes, a double reason to pay them special attention.


With these few tips, take care of those precious hairs and wake up every morning with amazing eyes.


Of course, water-resistant mascaras are very practical as they ensure impeccable hold whatever the ordeals we go through during the day. 

However, they are not without consequences for the beauty of our eyelashes. Indeed, their composition tends to dry the eyelashes enormously and to make them very fragile. 

In addition, waterproof mascara is generally more difficult to remove, which often affects the eyelashes and causes them to fall out. It is therefore advisable to have normal mascara and waterproof mascara in your makeup bag. Only use the latter in rain or in high heat if you tend to sweat a lot.


A rule of thumb: never sleep with mascara (or makeup in general). Make-up products prevent lashes from breathing and hinder their regrowth overnight. 

The result: your eyelashes become brittle and fall out much faster. In addition, mascara residue can be extremely harmful to your eyes if it builds up day in and day out, as one internet user's bad experience showed last summer. 

In short, good make-up removal hygiene before bedtime is essential for the health of your eyelashes. Do not deviate from it. Find our tips for gently and effectively removing makeup from your eyes here.


Do you have the habit of rubbing your eyes intensively in the morning to wake you up or when your eyes are tingling? 

If this gesture can be pleasant, it is anything but recommended for your eyelashes. Indeed, these can tear off, after which it will take a long time for them to grow back. If your eye is really itchy, massage your lids while staying as far away from your lashes as possible.


Castor or almond oil contains nourishing properties that can make your eyelashes longer, stronger, and fuller. 

Go for pure cold-pressed oil and apply it with a clean mascara brush or eyebrow brush. Make sure the oil does not end up in your eyes. Your eyelashes are fuller and more resistant!


Don't you believe in miracle formulas? Yet eyelash serums really make a difference: they stimulate lash growth and increase their curvature. 

Apply a small dose to your upper and lower lash edges every morning and evening for several weeks until the desired result.


Did you know? The way you apply your mascara creates a different effect depending on the result you want to achieve:

  • To lengthen the eyelashes: place the mascara brush at the base of the eyelashes, then go upwards. Then, start again at the lash line and brush your hairs going from left to right (in a zig-zag) towards the tips of the lashes. This method gives them volume and separates them perfectly for a more homogeneous result. XXL effect guaranteed.
  • To curl your lashes: if you have straight lashes, use an eyelash curler before applying your mascara. Pinch your lashes at the root using the device for a few seconds, then release. For a more natural result, opt for an eyelash curler with a small rounded rubber pad.
  • To give volume to the eyelashes: place the brush of your mascara at the base of the eyelashes and go upwards by performing a rotating movement of the brush.

Don't hesitate to apply a second coat for a "wow" effect. Be careful though, don't wait until your mascara has dried completely to do this. Also, avoid plunging the brush back into the tube between each coat. It’s not good for your mascara, nor for your eyes. We explain why here.


Find a good mascara that gives volume and length, spreads your lashes, and doesn't clump.

An Easy Trick To Have Longer And Thicker Eyelashes Naturally

Unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with naturally long and thick eyelashes, which give us a doe-eyed look.

 Lucky for us, mascara is to the rescue, but over time this product which is supposed to thicken our lashes ends up weakening them and accelerating their loss. But our cause is not lost! 

There are several natural tips that allow eyelashes to grow faster and stronger, such as this preparation based on 3 natural oils that we offer in this article.

Many women owe their long, thick eyelashes to mascara, unlike those spoiled by nature. Overtime or as a result of excessive use of this product, eyelashes tend to break down or fall out and their regrowth is not the fastest. 

Some women opt for solutions like eyelash extensions or false eyelashes to garnish their look, but these options are obviously not natural or permanent and are certainly not without side effects for the eyelashes.

To have beautiful eyelashes, nothing better than natural tips that help accelerate their regrowth, nourish them and make them thicker. 

Note, however, that these natural alternatives do not give immediate results and require some diligence to be effective.

Tips For Having Longer And Thicker Eyelashes:


  • Coconut oil
  • Castor oil
  • Vitamin E oil


Take a small airtight glass jar and mix the 3 ingredients thoroughly, using equal amounts of each oil.

Use this preparation every night before going to sleep and rinse off the next morning. You can apply it with your fingers or use a clean mascara brush.

The effects of this recipe cannot be seen overnight, but after a week you will notice improvement. Follow this natural treatment for two or three months for the best results.

Note that if you do not have one of these oils, you can substitute olive oil for it, which is also very rich in nutrients and can have the same effect.

Benefits Of The Ingredients:

Castor Oil :

Castor oil is well known for its medicinal and aesthetic benefits. Effective against several ailments, this oil is also excellent for the hair, the skin as well as eyelashes.

Castor oil is very high in fatty acids (Omega 6 and Omega 9), which are necessary for healthy hair and skin. 

It is generally highly recommended for its ability to accelerate the growth of hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. 

Indeed, by improving blood circulation in the hair follicle, they will be better nourished, which will have the effect of promoting hair growth. The properties of castor oil will not only make lashes longer but also smoother and shinier.

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is one of the most widely used oils for beauty treatments. Thanks to its richness in fatty acids, it nourishes the skin and hair and hydrates them in depth. 

This oil is effective for damaged and brittle hair because it promotes its repair thanks to its nourishing power. It is therefore excellent for making the eyelashes stronger and thicker.

Vitamin E Oil:

Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant, which helps fight free radicals that can cause damage to body cells. 

This vitamin particularly helps protect against aging. The nickname "vitamin of youth" is therefore well deserved.

Vitamin E thus brings many benefits to the skin but also to the nails, hair, and eyelashes. It improves blood circulation to the hair follicles and thus helps accelerate hair growth and keep them healthy.

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