How To Lose Weight In A Week?

How to lose weight in a week? Lasting weight loss doesn't happen in a few days. It is about fundamentally changing your eating behavior, that is, your relationship with food, the way you think about eating. 

This can only be done gradually. There's no point in running, you have to start on time, right?

Our 8 Tips To Help You Lose Weight Sustainably And Quickly

 1.  To lose weight quickly and sustainably, don't set yourself a "weight" goal!

Don't be too demanding and don't look for the unattainable. Just reconnect with an intuitive diet, based on listening to your feelings of hunger, fullness, and appetite, and let your body decide its weight. Your balance weight will then settle, the only one that can be held without effort or deprivation.

2.  Plan actionable strategies to lose weight sustainably

"I will eat more vegetables, I will limit fat and sugar, I will reduce my consumption of soda…". All your resolutions will turn into tyranny if they don't match your true food desires. Wouldn't the best strategy be to tune in to your hunger, to eat when it is there, to stop when it is no longer there?

3.  To lose weight, tidy up your kitchen and you will avoid snacking!

“The disorder leads us to snack! This is the conclusion reached by Lenny R. Vartanian, Kristin M. Kernan, and Brian Wansink, researchers at the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, the nutrition and eating behavior laboratory at the University of Ithaca in the State. from New York. 

Their research, "Disorder, chaos, and overconsumption - The role of the state of mind in a stressful and chaotic food environment", was published in the scientific journal Environment & Behavior 1.

According to the authors of this work, there is a real link between a messy kitchen and the urge to snack. 

Clearly, a poorly tidy kitchen causes a feeling of stress that leads to pouncing on "comforting" foods to calm down. Most importantly, a messy kitchen shows how angry you are with food. 

So to stop snacking put away your kitchen and you will lose weight in a week! Put it in order by making your kitchen the nicest room in the apartment.

4.  Buy “new” foods and cook, a great way to lose weight on a long-term basis!

On the way to the market! Stock up on seasonal vegetables and fruits. Now is the time to get back into the kitchen and simmer the dishes you love. 

Because one thing is certain, losing weight also involves the pleasure of eating. Mix the spices, choose innovative recipes, test new flavors, in short, rediscover your food sensations, and lose weight without even thinking about it while cooking.

5.  To lose weight, find tips to stay motivated!

Losing weight quickly, but also over time is not always easy. We come up against habits, fears, renouncements, desires to let go of everything ... In short, it often takes a good dose of motivation to hold on.

6.  Get help to lose weight fast!

Your entourage is benevolent and only wants your happiness. If you talk to those around you about your desire to lose weight, you will get encouragement. 

Maybe even a member of your family will want to go with you and lose weight with you. Together, we are always stronger!

But beware: the advice you are likely to receive will perhaps encourage you to go on one of the diets we have just seen together. 

Ask those around you to give you moral support in your efforts, not to give you diet advice!

7.  Congratulate yourself, you have lost weight!

It's been a week since you changed certain elements of your eating behavior? Well done! You are on the right track. You can be proud of yourself. Regain self-confidence. You can see you can do it. So keep going

8. Reward yourself when you lose weight!

Your rewards should relate to the changes in your eating behavior (not the weight lost). Did you eat carefully while tasting? 

Did you take better account of your hunger? Did you manage not to finish your plate because you weren't hungry enough? Have you been able to eat rich food you love by tasting it carefully and without guilt? 

Well done! The rewards? A little treat, a little gift, a time to go see a movie, an outing with a friend ... You deserve it!

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