How To Lose Weight From Your Face?

How To Lose Weight From Your Face? When you want to refine your silhouette, the face is generally the most visible part of the body where you want to lose weight as significantly and as quickly as possible. 

It is quite feasible to slim down cheeks and neck, by dieting for example. How then to lose weight effectively?

Target Facial Fat

The face is an area of ​​the body that is low in fat. The fat cells are concentrated in the cheeks, and in the neck, under the chin. 

When you lose weight, your cheeks tend to widen and lose volume, which immediately gives the person a lifted appearance. Likewise, the "double chin" effect also fades. 

However, removing fat from a face is quite a delicate process as it is difficult to target that particular area. 

Overall, in the first few weeks after dieting, people tend to lose cheeks, stomachs, and for women, breasts and thighs, which are the areas where there are the fattest deposits. Thinning in the face is usually visible quite quickly.

How To Lose Weight Cheeks?

There is no particular method specific to the face to lose weight in this area. When you diet, you lose weight overall, throughout your body. 

You will therefore also lose weight on the face, especially where the skin is thickest: cheeks, chin, and neck. Someone who is overweight usually has chubby cheeks, as well as a double chin effect caused by one or more bulges of fat. 

As you lose weight, this excess fat will gradually disappear. If you want to accentuate the phenomenon, it is advisable to eat a diet that will make you lose pounds. 

The sport will be less useful on this part of the body, given that, although we have hundreds of muscles in the face, it is quite obvious that it is difficult to strengthen this area as we would strengthen our abdominals for example.

How To Tone Your Face To Slim It?

There are exercises to do daily that help tone the skin and make it firmer. These are small "stretches" that will stimulate the muscles of the face, and in particular at the level of the cheeks, crow's feet, and around the mouth. 

These exercises are to be done daily and can be combined with the use of firming creams for the face and neck. There are several small exercises: the first is to smile exaggeratedly then to return to a normal face and this very quickly. 

You can also do small series by trying to touch your nose your upper lip, inflate the cheeks very hard and then deflate them, etc.

Rebalance Your Diet To Slim Down The Face

Puffy cheeks can be a sign of a lack of water in your body which causes fluid retention. Make sure you drink enough water daily (i.e. 1.5 liters minimum for an adult).

 Likewise, oily, spotty skin on the cheeks can be caused by eating too much food. The skin is, like the kidneys or the liver, an outlet organ: this is where the body eliminates toxins and cleanses itself. 

In fact, a diet that contains too much fat tends to cause pimples and make the skin oily, which then produces more sebum. 

Cut down on hydrogenated fats, processed products, and cold meats, and prefer sources of "good" fat such as oily fish (salmon, herring), vegetable oils rather than butter, and oilseeds (nuts, almonds, etc. .).

Cosmetic Surgery To Lose Weight On The Face

If you want to slim down more radically, know that it is possible to have cosmetic surgery. The latter can be used after a diet, to remove skin that would make folds following a significant loss of fat, or alone, to remove fat. 

This liposuction operation involves removing part of the fat contained in the skin cells. It is generally initiated at the level of the double chin and the neck, on people who are proven to be overweight. 

Be careful though, a chubby face is often a sign of joviality and gives a good look. On the contrary, sunken cheeks accentuate fatigue, give a closed appearance to the face, and tend to age a person.

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