Oatmeal With Flaxseed Benefits

Oat bran, the outer shell of the oat grain, and flax seeds occupy a similar niche in healthy eating. 

There are nutritional differences between them - oat bran is a better source of selenium, while flax seeds provide you with omega-3 fatty acids not found in oat bran, but they do. also share several nutritional similarities. 

Adding oat bran or flax seeds to your diet provides health benefits and increases your intake of essential nutrients, including minerals and fiber.


Adding oat bran or flax seeds to your meals increases your fiber intake. Fiber makes your meals more filling - it keeps your stomach full longer after your meal, making you less likely to have an unplanned snack between meals. 

Getting enough fiber also protects against constipation and lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

A quarter-cup serving of ground flaxseed contains 7.6 grams of dietary fiber, which is 9 percent of the recommended daily allowance for women and 20 percent for men, according to the Institute of Medicine. Oat bran contains slightly less fiber, 3.6 grams per quarter cup.


Cooking with oat bran or flax seeds helps you reach your recommended daily intake of manganese. Your body depends on manganese to help metabolize nutrients, including carbohydrates and fats, and to support energy production. 

It also activates enzymes necessary for healthy cartilage and bones and increases collagen production to promote wound healing. 

A quarter-cup serving of oat bran contains 1.3 milligrams of manganese, which is about 57 percent of the recommended daily allowance for men and 72 percent for women, according to the Institute of Medicine. An equivalent serving of ground flax provides 0.7 milligrams.


Flax seeds and oat bran provide health benefits due to their magnesium content. Your body incorporates magnesium into new bone tissue to keep your skeleton strong, and it also relies on magnesium to maintain a healthy cell membrane. 

It aids in cell migration, facilitates cell communication, and helps your body make DNA. A quarter cup of ground flax contains 110 milligrams of magnesium, while an equivalent serving of oat bran contains 55 milligrams. 

Each serving of flax provides 34 percent of the required daily magnesium intake for women and 26 percent for men, according to the Institute of Medicine.

Consume oat bran and flax seeds

Oat bran and flax seeds have a variety of uses in cooking. Sprinkle a few tablespoons of oat bran or flax seeds on hot or cold cereal, use it to add texture and nutritional value to baked goods, or add it to fruit and yogurt for a hearty snack. 

Oat bran cooked in water also makes a nutritious porridge - use healthy additions, such as fresh berries and chopped almonds, to enhance its flavor. 

Use flax seeds mixed with water as an egg substitute in vegetarian or vegan cooking and baking.

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