Seeds For Seed Cycling

 Main things to know:

  • The seed cycle is an alternative medicine practice that is believed to help regulate reproductive hormones.
  • Evidence on the seed cycle is lacking, but the practice has been around for a long time.
  • There is probably not much risk in trying the seed cycle.

Seed Cycling: I tried it. (And dug into the research on whether it works.)

I first heard about the seed cycle from a friend of mine who works as a healthy chef. According to her, the seed cycle could regulate any “hormonal imbalance”. Intrigued, I set out to find a science behind the seed cycle and eventually try it out for myself.

A lot of people have talked about the seed cycle, and some pretty notable bloggers have posted their own recipes using the seeds. Instagram seemed to be the starting point for "health experts" promoting the seed cycle to fix the hormonal ailments that plagued you.

Hormonal variations in estrogen and progesterone, as well as androgens, can influence the menstrual cycle and cause symptoms ranging from hair growth, acne, weight changes, infertility and irregular cycles.

Some people turn to hormonal contraception to regulate these symptoms. But if you're trying to get pregnant, or just want to avoid hormonal birth control pills, your options may seem limited.

Maybe that's why the seed cycle has been on everyone's lips for a year. It is certainly not a new method; Alternative medicine practitioners, from herbalists to acupuncturists to naturopaths, have long recommended it for a list of hormonal issues, including infertility and menopause.

So I tried. But first, I took it a step further.

What is the seed cycle?

According to all the discussions online, the seed cycle is a dietary supplement with four different seeds: pumpkin, flax, sesame, and sunflower. The seeds are eaten daily, raw and ground. Whole seeds are not completely broken down in your gut, so grinding them allows your body to extract more nutrients from the seeds. They can be eaten on their own or added to other foods such as smoothies and salads.

The recommended diet has two phases.

Phase 1 of the seed cycle is one tablespoon of ground raw pumpkin seeds and one tablespoon of raw ground flax seeds from the first day of your period to the day before ovulation. Phase 1 should last around two weeks for most people.

Phase 2 of the seed cycle involves eating one tablespoon of ground raw sunflower seeds and one tablespoon of raw ground sesame seeds per day from the day of ovulation to the day before the first day of your period. Phase 2 should also last around two weeks for most people.

Why supplement with seeds? These seeds contain specific vitamins, nutrients, and fatty acids that are believed to support hormonal function.

Phase 1 pumpkin and flax are believed to support the estrogen-dominant follicular phase when the ovaries increase estrogen levels in the body. Additionally, phase 2 sunflower and sesame seed supplementation is believed to promote increases in progesterone during the luteal phase.

Is there any science to support the seed cycle?

"Believed" and "thought" are key words to talk about the seed cycle and its benefits.

The seed cycle is generally considered to be an alternative medicine, and there isn't a lot of science on its risks, benefits, or effectiveness. Most reports on the seed cycle are anecdotal. However, there is little risk of ingesting seeds on a daily basis. In fact, consuming seeds can have other health benefits, including increased dietary fiber and protein.

Since there have been no published studies on the seed cycle in particular, I researched data on individual seeds and their impacts on hormones. Even data on the seeds themselves were scarce. This is what I found.

Each of the types of seeds used in the seed cycle contain lignans, plant compounds thought to weakly mimic some of the effects of human estrogen, which is important because estrogen influences the menstrual cycle, which in turn can affect ovulation, fertility, and menopause.

Flax seeds and the cycle

A small study of 18 people published in 1993 found that when people with cycles ate a traditional low-fiber, omnivorous Western diet supplemented with flax, interesting results were obtained. There were fewer anovulatory cycles and the middle luteal phase was longer, but the cycle length did not change. No change in estrogen levels was observed.

This means that flax could possibly have an impact on fertility. Anovulatory cycles look like normal cycles with normal periods, but ovulation does not actually occur. Ovulation that takes place every month means a person's more likely to get pregnant, while a longer luteum can be more conducive to early pregnancy.

Another small study found that when postmenopausal people added flax seeds to their diet, the level of estrogen in the blood decreased. This is an interesting finding, as estrogen may be linked to the incidence of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

Pumpkin seeds and the cycle

In addition to containing lignans, pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, providing 15% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDI) per ounce. Some case reports associate zinc with a decrease in menstrual cramps. It is believed that menstrual cramps are caused by an excess of prostaglandins and that zinc decreases the metabolism of prostaglandins.

Sunflower seeds and the cycle

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E (12). Study results supported the idea that vitamin E supplementation may increase progesterone, the hormone that helps maintain early pregnancy, in women unable to conceive.

However, the results of this study cannot be isolated from vitamin E alone, as there were other ingredients in the supplement. And although there is a small difference in the progesterone levels, it was not considered statistically significant. 

A review of the role of vitamin E in women's reproductive health suggested that vitamin E is an essential antioxidant for promoting fertility.

In 1972, a study was published on vitamin E and its similarity to estrogen and progesterone (hormones that affect the menstrual cycle) in rats. 

This article cited references corroborating the hormonal effects of vitamin E, dating back to 1929.

Sesame seeds and the cycle

A small study of postmenopausal women who consumed sesame seed powder found that consuming the seeds increased levels of a form of vitamin E that circulates throughout the body. Consuming the seeds does not increase estrogen, but decreases a type of androgen and increases sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Note that the increase was minor and not statistically significant.

In theory, this could reduce the health risks for some people during menopause, including cardiovascular disease and cancer risk, but research results are mixed (if not contradictory) and poorly understood.

How to sow the cycle

Frankly speaking, these studies are small and far from conclusive. Without any convincing evidence, I didn't feel particularly compelled to test the seed cycle, but in the interest of research, I ordered four bags of seeds and decided to test them for a month.

Overall, I spent around $ 40 on what seemed like around four months of seeds in their raw, organic form. Most online health and wellness gurus say it takes three to four months to see the real benefits of the seed cycle. I followed these steps:

  • Grind a week of pumpkin and flax seeds.
  • Store sealed in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.
  • Consume two tablespoons of seeds each day. I've put mine in smoothies, on salads, pasta, and pretty much anything I've eaten.
  • Repeat after a week.
  • Change the seeds on the first day of your period.
  • Change the seeds on the day of ovulation.

How do you know when you are ovulating?

Some friends have also tried the seed cycle, and the biggest problem seems to be that not everyone can tell when they are ovulating. There are several ways to tell when you're ovulating, but if you're using hormonal birth control, those won't apply (and the seed cycle won't do much for you since you're already taking hormones).

Cervical mucus

You can control your cervical mucus using the Billings Ovulation Method. This method works by observing the moisture in your vulva every day. When you ovulate, your cervical mucus will be moist, slippery, and similar to raw egg whites.

Period monitoring

You can use Clue to track your cycle and determine when you are likely to ovulate. You can activate a notification to know when your ovulation day is.

An over-the-counter test

You can buy an over-the-counter ovulation test that measures luteinizing hormone (LH), the hormone that rises before ovulation.

Does the seed cycle work?

I have noticed changes during my 28 day seed cycle. I usually have both painful ovulation (called mittelschmerz) and painful period cramps.

By the month I tried the seed cycle, my ovulation pain was all but gone and I noticed a reduction in period cramps. I did not notice any change in mood, volume or duration of the bleeding. 

The reduction in pain was a tangible benefit, but at the end of the month I didn't continue the seed cycle because I was fed up with eating the seeds.

While there is no real data to support the seed cycle, as long as you don't have seed allergies and can afford to buy them, there are no serious risks. to include seeds in your daily diet.

Variations throughout the menstrual cycle may be normal, however, some changes may indicate an underlying problem that medical attention could help resolve. 

If you have symptoms of PCOS, irregular bleeding, painful periods, infertility, or irregular periods, it is worth getting checked out by your healthcare professional. 

You can use Clue to track your symptoms so that you can give your provider more information about your body and your symptoms.

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