Seed Cycling PCOS Success Stories

 Seed cycle: the natural way to improve your fertility

Hormonal imbalance and infertility!

Two words that torment many women. We can often ignore it, but hormonal imbalance, if left unattended, can become a cause of infertility. If you've had a late conception, one of the causes could be your hormones. The seed cycle is a naturopathic remedy, which can be a blessing in disguise if you are trying to conceive. The "hormones" affect our brain, our digestion, our skin and other things. A better balance between our hormones can help with everything from PMS, PCOS, irregular cycles to endometriosis.

The seed cycle is one of the easiest ways to improve our hormonal balance and the chances of conceiving. It is generally believed that the process of the seed cycle was inspired by ancient Chinese medicines.

As simple as this practice may sound, practicing it correctly can improve fertility, relieve PMS, relieve pain from different conditions, regulate menstrual cycles, and help amenorrhea. Not only does the seed cycle help you overcome hormonal imbalances, it can also be beneficial for those who already have a healthy cycle.

What are the causes of hormonal imbalances?

By nature, women produce enough hormones to function and maintain a natural cycle, but due to certain health conditions, certain hormonal imbalances can occur. Underlying problems like hypothyroidism and PCOS can lead to serious hormonal disturbances. Factors such as being overweight or underweight of a person can also influence hormonal balance. These hormonal imbalances can make conception difficult and sometimes even discourage a healthy pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances not only make it difficult to conceive but can also increase the risk of several serious health problems. The condition can also worsen during menopause due to a decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels, leading to an increased risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and common symptoms can include irregular weight and bloat, pain. hot flashes, etc.

Seed cycle and the 2 main hormones

The seed cycle focuses on improving the balance between two main hormones: estrogen and progesterone. In any regular menstrual cycle, estrogen levels are high during the first half of the cycle, also known as the follicular phase. Progesterone levels rise during the second half of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. An imbalance between these two hormones can lead to multiple problems such as menstrual irregularities, painful periods, acne, and PCOS.

The seed cycle is the rotating consumption of certain seeds during our menstrual cycle. And a powerful example of the power of our food choices.

It helps to create a balance between these two hormones while being completely natural. The seed cycle can be practiced at any age and at any stage. It is useful at all times, whether after menopause, birth control, or attempting to conceive.

How will the seed cycle help fertility and conception?

The seed cycle balances the two main hormones that affect pregnancy (progesterone and estrogen) and as a result the chances of conceiving naturally increase gradually. Even if you opt for assisted reproduction technology, the seed cycle increases your chances of positive results.

Producing a Healthy Egg: The protein, fiber, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids found in flax and pumpkin seeds improve egg quality, and also aid in follicle growth during the first phase. the phase of our menstrual cycle.

Embryo Implantation: The iron, zinc, vitamin E, and omega-6 found in sesame and sunflower seeds aid in the release of the egg which usually takes place between the 14th and 18th day of our menstrual cycle. Whether we are trying to conceive naturally or use methods like IVF and IUI, a strong endometrial lining is necessary to maintain a healthy embryo. Correctly following the seed cycle during the second phase of the menstrual cycle increases the health and strength of the endometrial lining.

Controlling Progesterone Levels: If the levels of progesterone, the male hormone, are high in a woman's body, this can become a cause that can develop.

Decreases Insulin Resistance: Insulin resistance in our body causes high blood sugar levels, which can lead to conditions like oligomenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. These conditions often become a cause of infertility in women. The seed cycle is an effective way to naturally reduce insulin resistance.

How does the seed cycle work?

Follicular phase: from day 1 to day 14

The first 14 days of our menstrual cycle constitute the follicular phase. Day 1 is the first day of your period. Estrogen levels rise during this time, leading to an increase in luteinizing hormone levels. The decrease in estrogen stimulates the production of follicle-stimulating hormones.

“During the follicular phase, if you consume seeds that contain phytoestrogens, they help regulate our estrogen levels. So we eat 1 to 2 tablespoons of flax seeds and pumpkin seeds in the follicular phase. "

These seeds contain lignans and zinc which help in the production of estrogen. Not only do they support production, but they also help if there is an estrogen dominance situation. A condition in which estrogen exceeds the level of progesterone in the body. However, we cannot simply include these seeds in our daily diet, we may also need to eliminate certain foods as we may be allergic to certain combinations. It should be noted that it is mandatory to consult a nutritionist before starting the seed cycle process.

Luteal phase: from day 15 to the next cycle

The second phase or luteal phase begins from the 15th day or after ovulation. A sudden decrease in estrogen levels triggers the onset of this phase which leads to an increase in progesterone levels and the formation of the uterine lining.

“During the luteal phase, progesterone is secreted in greater quantities. The seeds which contain zinc and vitamin E help our body to regulate progesterone levels during this phase. So we eat 1 to 2 tablespoons of sesame and sunflower seeds during the luteal phase. " 

High levels of estrogen can lead to severe PMS symptoms and painful periods. And high levels of progesterone can become a cause of infertility. It is very important to maintain a healthy balance between these two hormones. Therefore, it is necessary that we follow the seed cycle correctly during both phases of the menstrual cycle.

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