Fox Eye Makeup

Fox Eye Makeup. Foxy eyes is a makeup technique that allows you to stretch and therefore enlarge the gaze. Say goodbye to eyeliner for a doe eye!

 Now, all the stars (and soon us) swear by foxy eyes. So to achieve this make-up trend that gives an almost lifted look, here are our tips.

What Are Foxy Eyes?

Inspired by the fox, "fox" in English, the foxy eyes make it possible to lengthen the gaze and stretch it with make-up, a bit like that of an animal.

All the stars have very recently succumbed to it and are posting their beauty looks everywhere on social networks. It must be said that the eyeliner that we had seen everywhere for years no longer really had an effect ...

So, to bring a little novelty, beauty influencers (but not only) have embarked on foxy eyes, a direct variation of cat eyes.

How To Make Foxy Eyes: The Tutorial

  • We're not going to lie to each other: you have to have some mastery of the art of makeup.
  • Indeed, to achieve fox-style eyes, you must be able to handle the brushes to perfection.
  • But don't worry: with a little practice, anyone can do it!
  • For this, you need 3 eyeshadows from the same color family and several brushes.

Step 1

With a fluffy brush, apply the lighter shade to the entire eyelid, emphasizing under the brow bone.

 Step 2

With the medium shade, apply the material with a precise brush in the crease of the eyelid, working up towards the outer tip of the eyebrow, as if you wanted to go up towards the temple.

It is imperative to blend between these first two steps in order to melt the material to have an almost "smoky" result.

Step 3

With an angled brush, use the darkest color of the eyeshadow to draw a line flush with the lashes starting from the inner corner of the eye (and even protruding if you can), then work your way up towards the outer tip of the eye. the eye by stretching as far as possible towards the temples.

Here again, it is important to blend so that the result is not too marked.

Bonus: you can apply an iridescent point of eyeshadow in the inner corner of the eye to bring in luminosity and create an almost lifted look.

Eyebrow Makeup: The Trick For Successful Foxy Eyes

And because foxy eyes worthy of the name can't be satisfied with classic eye makeup, shaping your brows is essential to achieve the long-awaited "almond-eye" effect.

For a perfect brow line that creates the illusion of a stretched look, then it is important to pluck your brows well. The tail of the latter must be high in order to give an impression of open gauze.

As for makeup, do not hesitate to use an eyebrow pencil to fill them in and give them absolute precision on the ends. 

If they are too short, do not hesitate to "create" a point that goes up towards the temples in order to lengthen the gauze.

Last Tip: Use a bottle brush to brush your eyebrows upwards to open the eyes.

>>> So, want to try the foxy eyes?

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