Magical Masks For All Skin

Magical Masks For All Skin. In summer it is very hard to maintain your beauty on your skin. Because dust, pollution, and sun rays harm your skin and make your skin dull and dark.

List Of Magical Masks For All Skin Types

Today I am going to share some magical masks to make your skin beautiful and baby soft.

1. 5 Minutes Magical Mask


2 Tablespoons Of White Flour

1 Egg

1 Tablespoon Of Peanut Oil

1 tablespoon Of Honey

1 Pinch Of Turmeric Powder


Mix all these things in a clean bowl very well. Now apply cleansing on your face with a good cleanser.

After then apply this mask to your face. Leave it for 5 minutes and then massage it in a circular motion with wet hands.

This magical mask will give you a whitening complexion and remove the dead layer. dark spots and dark circles from your face.

2. Honey Magical Mask


2 Teaspoons Of Gram Flour 

2 Teaspoons Of Yogurt 

Half Teaspoon Of  Honey


Take one clean bowl and add all these things. Now mix together very well. Apply it to your face for 15 minutes. After then wash your face with normal water.

This mask will remove pimples and sun tan from your face and give you an instant glowing look.

Effective Mask For Fairness

This mask is very effective and beneficial for all skin types and it is very helpful to get fair flawless skin


1 Tablespoon Of Wheat Flour

1 Tablespoon Of Yogurt

2 To 3 teaspoon Of Aloe Vera Juice

1 Pinch Of Saffron


Take one clean bowl and add all these things. Now Mix them together and leave them in this bowl for 5 minutes. Now apply it to your face and let it dry.

When it dry, Massage with your wet hands and then wash it off with normal water. You can apply it on your face two times a week.

Dear Friends, I hope you will enjoy reading these magical remedies and ready yourself to try these remedies on your face and get beautifully flawless skin. These remedies are all harmless because all these homemade. 

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