Coffee Facial For Magical Results

Coffee Facial For Magical Results. You will spend a thousand rupees for a facial in the parlor. But sometimes you do not get good results.

In this article, I will tell you an amazing facial method with a simple thing which is placed at your home.

Coffee Facial

There are four steps of this facial with an amazing thing which is coffee. Let,s start


For this purpose, you can take one bowl and add one tablespoon of coffee powder and one tablespoon of raw milk.

 If your skin is very dry you can add aloe vera gel. Now mix well and apply it on your face in a circular motion.

Cleansing removes dirt and dust from your face. So cleansing is a very important part of this facial.


The second step is steam. After cleansing your face, you steam your face with a steam machine or a towel.

Steam will open your pores and ready your skin for scrubbing which will remove dust from your pores. But if you have no issue with open pores, you can skip this step.


Scrubbing is another important step of this facial. Scrubbing removes the dead layer from your skin and increases blood circulation on your face.

 For scrubbing, you can take 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of coffee, and 4 to 5 drops of olive oil or coconut oil.

This scrub will clean your pores and removes black spots also. You can do it on your face in a very light mood.

Coffee Mask

Mask is our last step of this facial. For this purpose, You take one clean bowl and add 2 tablespoons of coffee, 1 tablespoon of wheat flour, 2 tablespoons of yogurt, and the last thing is 1 tablespoon of rose water.

 Mix them well. Apply it on your face. Leave it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes. Then wash your face with normal water.

This facial will give you magical results after one use. You can do it every 15 days. But if you feel dull skin, you can use it one time a week.

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