Have you ever felt that eating well during pregnancy is a chore? Wondering how to transition from you to your baby? We asked Midwives Tandem and Baby Taste Buds to share their tips for eating right and making food exciting and fresh during these crucial years. They told us about three powerful and versatile foods to have in your kitchen for quick and healthy meals and snacks.

1. Berries

During pregnancy: blueberries (as well as strawberries, blackberries and raspberries) are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, potassium and folate. Snack on a handful, garnish your oatmeal or granola, add to a salad, or mix into a smoothie. If the berries are out of season, try frozen blueberries.

First Foods: Sweet, tasty and packed with vitamins, berries are a great addition to baby purees, babies will love them. Try adding berries and bananas to plain plain yogurt for a quick snack, or adding blueberries to beets for a sweet, antioxidant-infused meal. Due to possible allergies, please allow up to 7 months to start strawberry and blackberry babies and always check with your pediatrician if any problems arise.

2. Nuts and seeds

During Pregnancy: Packed with protein, healthy fats, folate, vitamin E, magnesium, and omega and omega-6s, nuts and seeds are wonderful and powerful foods. The fibers found in nuts and seeds are also helpful in assisting with digestion. The omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts and seeds help the neurological and brain development of the baby. A handful of sunflower seeds, almonds, or walnuts can make a great between-meal snack. Add a cup of walnuts, sliced ​​almonds, and pumpkin seeds to your breakfast, sprinkle it on a salad, or eat it as a trail mix. Nut and seed butters like almond butter or sun butter make a great apple sauce or add a half cup to a smoothie for extra nutrition.

First foods: Rich in folic acid and protein, cooked beans and legumes are wonderful foods for babies. Start the 6 months with a pea puree. Around 8-10 months, after the baby's digestive system has further matured, mash the cooked black beans into chicken or vegetable broth. Be sure to save some for whole beans to make quick tacos or a bean salad while you're at it!

3. Leafy vegetables

During pregnancy: Green leafy vegetables like spinach, chard, kale, and cabbage are excellent sources of calcium, iron, and folate, as well as necessary vitamins. In addition to being seasonal and very easy to grow, they help create a healthy blood supply, promote bone growth and development, and provide fiber to aid digestion. Vegetables can be added to many things: smoothies, frittatas, soups, and salads. Do you like pesto? Try making it with kale and walnuts instead of basil and pine nuts!

First Foods: Fall is a great time to buy dark leafy greens at your local farmers market and start adding them to your baby's food. Green vegetables like kale, spinach, and Swiss chard are great for babies 7 to 9 months old and add folic acid, iron, and lots of vitamins to a baby's diet. Also, by introducing green vegetables early, your baby is more likely to eat them later in life. Remove tough stalks and steamed vegetables before adding to mashed potatoes, such as unsweetened applesauce or berries and yogurt.

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