Pimples After Waxing Face. If you have ever waxed an area of your body, you know that pain is beauty.

However, just because waxing can be slightly painful doesn't mean you have to put up with the pimples and skin infections that sometimes make their heads appear ugly.
So how can you stay acne free after your next wax? While there is no way to guarantee that you won't have a pimple or two, there are steps you can take to minimize your risk.
Read on to discover eight practical tips you can use to prevent acne.
8 Tips To Stay Acne-Free After Waxing
1. Clean area before waxing
Yes, we promised we would give you tips to keep acne at bay after waxing.
However, sometimes the best way to avoid acne is to take precautions before waxing.
Your first order of business should be to exfoliate for a couple of days before waxing.
Doing so will help you remove any bacteria and dirt from the area.
If left alone, that bacteria could cause an infection after the waxing session.
Cleaning the area before waxing will also help the process run smoothly.
Build-up can make waxing less effective, which means you'll need to wax again in the near future.
2. Avoid oils
If you are looking to join the post-wax acne club, you may want to avoid oils in acne prone areas for a while after waxing.
Although oils can have great benefits for your skin, if you are prone to acne, they can also clog pores after waxing.And clogged pores can lead to pimples.
As a result, you will want to invest in some oil-free moisturizers.
Some people choose to use aloe vera or witch hazel to care for their skin.
These moisturizers are also great because they help relieve irritation after waxing.
After a good waxing, running your hands over smooth skin can be tempting.
You just want to take a moment and appreciate the results like all the models you see in those commercials.
4. Don't exercise too soon after
Waxing is part of many beauty routines. For some of us, exercise is too.
If we want to stay acne free, however, we have to be careful when mixing the two elements of our routines.
Generally speaking, exercising too soon after waxing is not a good idea.
Sweat that runs down your skin after workouts can cause unsightly breakouts.
Because of this, you should plan to get vigorous exercise before waxing your skin.
If you exercise shortly after waxing, keep the session light.This will minimize the amount of sweat you produce.
But, realistically speaking, it's a bad idea. It turns out that if you get too gentle on your skin after waxing, you can cause some acne.
This is because you are transferring bacteria from your hands to the newly waxed area.
Not only that, but it could also be transferring oils to the waxed area.
The transfer of sebum from the scalp to other parts of the body, for example, is not uncommon.
5. Clean the area again
Not long ago, we suggested that you clean your skin before waxing the desired area.
Now we suggest you clean it again after waxing. But isn't this redundant?
Absolutely not. But why? After epilating the skin, the area becomes more vulnerable.
After all, you just removed the hairs from the follicles. The skin needs time to recover.
Therefore, you need to heal your skin immediately. Witch hazel or any other antiseptic substance should help prevent infection, thereby preventing pimples.
6. Stay away from tight clothing
This may come as a surprise to anyone who doesn't know that tight clothing has something to do with acne.
It turns out that wearing tight clothing negatively affects your skin in multiple ways.
First of all, tight clothing does not allow your skin to breathe. This essentially means that all the sweat and dirt that collects under tight clothing has nowhere to go.
Except, of course, on your skin. That build-up can eventually lead to acne.
This is especially true right after you have removed the hair from that skin. Tight clothing can also cause another problem.
They have the potential to dry out skin more than loose clothing.
Dry skin can lead to clogged pores, and clogged pores, as we've established, can lead to acne. Too much for that acne-free wax.
If you are going to wax your skin, it helps to do it consistently. Doing so will ensure that your skin adapts to the process.
Some people recommend that you wax once a month. Others suggest that you can go up to a month and a half without waxing.
If you are planning to stick to that upper limit, If you are planning to stick to that upper limit, you have to be careful not to go too far.
Missing an appointment may mean that your skin will "readjust", meaning that your skin will have to go through the adjustment period again.
And, yes, that adjustment period can come with skin irritations and rashes. That is why it is so important that you get in shape.
8. Don't pop those pimples Agree.
We are trying to keep you acne free. Still, acne does happen, and when it does, you don't want it to spread.
And how can you nip acne in the bud before it gets out of control? Do not do it. Pop. Those. Grain.
Popping a pimple every once in a while can be tempting, but it only spreads bacteria.
Popping one can bring another close. Or, depending on the areas it touched afterwards, it could lead to another in a completely different area.
Instead of squeezing the pimples, just apply some kind of substance to them against the pimples. They'll be gone in no time.
Enjoy being acne free after your wax What is our last tip for you? Well, enjoy being acne free.
Feel free to strut around and flaunt your freshly waxed legs or arms or whatever you like to wax.
Do you have any tips to avoid acne after waxing that you think we missed? Leave a comment below and give us the detail.