How To Get Rid Of Acne Overnight Guaranteed?

How To Get Rid Of Acne Overnight Guaranteed? 5 solutions to get rid of your pimples in 1 night


Do you know that button that comes in when it absolutely shouldn't be? But yes, he sits proudly on your nose, and we only see him! Except for tomorrow, you're planning on going to your BFF's birthday party, or going on that date with the super cute guy at the gym, or chairing that super important meeting at work. 

And of course, we will only see this damn button! Is it urgent for you to get rid of it? We offer you a night to overcome it!

5 solutions to get rid of your pimples in 1 night

Hands off!

The temptation is of course to fiddle with it, to grind it, and even to explore it. Already, we let it live its life as a button, otherwise, it will take revenge and double in size. 

Even worse, it could leave you with a nasty scar. So we leave him alone with his fingers! On the other hand, we can apply some products, homemade or not, which will still make his life difficult.


You don't have anything in your beauty cabinet that clearly says, "Destroy the stubborn buds that suddenly grew on the tip of my nose and crushed all my plans," don't panic! 

The toothpaste will do just fine. Liberally apply the paste to the sensitive area. It will dry out the pimple and speed up its healing. Be careful, however, with kinds of toothpaste that are a little too "aggressive", especially if you have sensitive skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It is excellent for salad, but also for healthy skin. Indeed its pH is close to that which a healthy skin should have. It therefore cleans but is especially effective to heal by area. 

Using a cotton ball, we cleanse thoroughly! And too bad if you smell the vinaigrette, it's for a good cause! Even Scarlett Johansson swears by it.

The Mini Clay Mask

Clay is THE essential beauty product to have in your cupboards. It cleanses and purifies the skin as a mask, leaves it very soft, dries up pimples, and deeply treats. How to resist? 

So for pimples that become embedded without being invited, apply clay to the area and leave it on overnight! The results are guaranteed.

Tea-Tree Oil

If you're a fan of essential oils, Tea-Tree's is a little miracle. It has antibacterial and sebum-regulating properties and helps in healing. 

Using a cotton swab, add two drops, no more (yes because it's powerful), and apply directly to the pimple. We do not hide from you that it burns a little, but it is a formidable weapon. It is easily found in all pharmacies.

The Ultimate (and somewhat chemical) Weapon

If you are worried that the previous products will have no effect on your buds, you need the ultimate weapon: a treatment rich in salicylic acids, which will fight against the bacteria responsible for acne and will clean the pores to prevent possible danger.

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