How To Get Rid Of Double Chin?

How To Get Rid Of Double Chin? No matter how much you lift your head and grit your teeth, it is still there and it makes you complex: the double chin. 

This small mass of fat can quickly become an obsession when you only see him. Here are some tips for losing your double chin and feeling better!

Why Do We Have A Double Chin?

The double chin is the result of sagging skin and a lack of muscle firmness.

Ageing is of course one of the main causes of this loss of tone, which is unfortunately even more visible on the face.

Weight gain can also cause sagging skin; your face immediately looks heavier.

The appearance of a double chin can also be linked to a hormonal problem that will require appropriate treatment.

As with other parts of the body, you can fight against sagging skin and say stop to your double chin.

Facial Gymnastics To Lose Chin Fat

We often talk about gymnastics and exercises to have a toned body, young, and appear in shape.

But did you know that they can also be applied to the face?

Yes, this part of the body also has a lot of muscles that require some exercise.

You do not know how to do it ?

We offer you a real guide to losing weight on the face.

Facial gymnastics are very popular and very effective in the fight against wrinkles and double chin.

Work the lower part of your face.

Thus, the muscles and the skin will be stimulated to gain firmness and gradually erase your double chin.

An infallible technique: stick your tongue out as far as possible to put the skin on your neck in tension. To strengthen the lower face, turn your head from side to side, as if you want to look behind you, with your chin tucked to your neck.

But you can also stimulate your face by stretching the skin of your cheeks towards your ears and placing your hands flat.

What Care To Avoid Having A Double Chin?

To lose your double chin, you must use appropriate care.

The first rule to follow to prevent a double chin is to systematically extend your facial treatment to the neck.

This part of the body is often overlooked, and yet the neck is the area most affected by skin ageing and weight gain.

Apply your moisturising or anti-wrinkle cream every morning and evening to the bottom of the neck, stretching well downwards.

If your double chin is installed and if you already have mature skin, opt for specific care for the neck, packed with active ingredients, which will bring tone and shape to your chin.

The lower part of your face will be refined, and your double chin will be a distant memory.

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