Skin Care Routine For Winter

Skin Care Routine For Winter. Your skin demands extra care in the winter season. Your skin problems increase at a high level this season.

You feel dryness and redness on your skin all the time. Your complexion turns dull and dark. Your freshness and glowing touch disappear.

So, you should follow some simple steps and get bright, glowing, and shining skin in the winter. 

Essential Winter Skin Care Tips That You Should Follow

There are easy tricks to keep the harsh winter weather from damaging your skin.

1. Moisturise daily and nightly

Cold conditions can strip skin of its natural moisture to make sure not to skip your skincare routine in the morning and at night. If you really don’t have the energy at the end of the day, find a moisturizing make-up remover that will do the job for you.

2. Wear SPF

UV damage can affect your skin all year round, especially if it snows and the sunlight glares back onto you. Try investing in a tinted moisturizer with SPF to use as your foundation.

3. Invest in a humidifier

Chances are you’ll have the heating on full blast at home, which will suck out any remaining moisture in the air. Invest in a humidifier and have it on at night when your skin does the most replenishing work.

4. Drink plenty of water

Don’t replace your eight glasses of water a day with hot chocolate and lattes. Make sure you stay hydrated in the winter months and your skin will thank you.

5. Avoid hot showers and baths

It may be very tempting to stay in the shower for twenty minutes enjoying the warmth but hot water can strip your skin of moisture. Try and limit showers and baths to ten minutes and keep the water mid to lukewarm.

6. Keep wrapped up

Your mum was right about layering up in the wintertime. Wear a scarf that gives good coverage over your face and neck to avoid windburn.

7. Exfoliate your lips

Having lip balm handy is great for chapped lips but sometimes it might not do the job. To exfoliate a flaky pout, use a clean toothbrush and gently exfoliate to remove dead skin. Slather on nourishing lip balm afterward to lock in moisture.

8. Use a good facial oil

In the summer you want to avoid oil-based products but in the winter they will do your skin a lot of good. Use a radiance-boosting facial oil three times a week to banish dullness and replenish the top layers of your skin.

9. Eat your way to glowing skin

You may be craving comfort food at this time of year but make sure to get a good dose of vitamin A and C in your diet. Stock up on mangoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli which are all linked to keeping skin healthy.

10. Apply face masks regularly

Winter weather puts your skin through a lot so give it some much-needed TLC once a week with a facial. Try a brightening complexion mask for consistent results.

11. Moisturise damp skin

As soon as you get out of the shower, blot your skin so it’s damp but not bone dry, then apply your moisturizer. Keep the bathroom door shut to lock in humidity to your skin too.

12. Use hand cream regularly

Your hands also have to battle the elements so use a hand cream daily if your skin is regularly dry. Invest in a silicone-based one that won’t leave you with slippery fingers.

13. Avoid scratchy fabrics

Your favorite cozy jumper may be made of wool or synthetic fibers but it can dry out and irritate sensitive skin. Make sure to wear a soothing layer of comforting cotton underneath.

14. Make sure to exercise

Working up the motivation to workout in winter can be difficult but do it for your skin. Exercising regularly will improve circulation and give your skin more color. If you’re going for a run make sure to wrap up to avoid windburn.

15. Look after your eyes

The thin skin around your eyes is particularly vulnerable in the winter months so use a good eye cream. For a natural remedy, place some cooled green tea bags on your lids for five minutes before you go to bed.

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